
Tulunadu Matrimony is a virtual marriage bureau, providing service to bride and bride-grooms world-wide. Tulunadu is a synonym of one for all.

Though we attempt to make all the information on this site as accurate as possible yet it does not guarantee the accuracy of the same. Any information or assertion which is a part of the matrimonial listings, or any other content on the website has not been vetted, screened, endorsed, or investigated, by tulunadumatrimony.com nor does it in any manner whatsoever certify, guarantee or attest the same to be authentic or correct. It does not recommend matches and profiles in any manner. All due diligence efforts and initiatives must be exercised by those who are wishing to use any information found on the website, and they should take adequate precautions with the full and complete knowledge that all information contained in the matrimonial listings have been placed there directly by visitors on the website without any prior intimation, consent or verification of or by tulunadumatrimony.com.

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We hope you are able to make full use of every facility and service provided by the site to your advantage. We wish you the very best in your endeavor and hope that you meet with success in the same.

This Disclaimer expresses as follows:

It must be clearly understood that each profile you find in this website is the resultant consequence of a process and procedure, which is expected to be adhered to by our clients with due diligence.

tulunadumatrimony.com does not engage in any matchmaking whatsoever, tulunadumatrimony.com cannot be held responsible in any way for the character and integrity of a person whose profile is found on this site.

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You are advised to exercise due caution while relying, in any manner whatsoever, upon any astrological predictions or other predictive services of any kind whatsoever and any of your action, resulting from your reliance on tulunadumatrimony.com or the website(s) of its business affiliates or other service providers, shall purely be one for which tulunadumatrimony.com and its business affiliates or providers has no responsibility or liability of any kind whatsoever and that for the same, the responsibility shall be entirely that of you absolutely and unconditionally.

tulunadumatrimony.com is in no way responsible for the disputes which arise out of the issues of marriage(s) from either party. The responsibility lies on the interested parties to do the background check of the probable Bride or Bridegroom to be in advance before entering into any nuptial confirmations. Particularly, the financial issues of any sort.